There’s an App for Communicating with your Ex
My ex/baby daddy/momma/etc. is impossible to communicate with! More times than not, when a client comes to our offices with a custody matter, communication problems between the parents is the driving force behind the dispute. Communication between parents is extremely important when it comes to the best interest of your children. In fact, the legislature even recognized the importance of communication when they enacted the custody factors judges must examine by focusing two of the factors on communication between the parties. As Family Law Professionals, we are often asked by our clients how can I communicate with the other parent who is impossible to talk to!? Our answer? They have an app for that! Well, sort of…I’m talking about developments in communication software that are exclusively used to help make the Child Custody world a little easier to navigate for parents. Our Family Wizard ( is one such online communication tool that parents can utilize to help communicate with one another. You can access Our Family Wizard, or OFW for the users familiar with the program, online and via app on your mobile device. OFW also provides free accounts for your attorneys and other professionals so that you grant them access to review communications between the parents. A second useful resource to help improve communication between parents is Talking Parents ( Talking Parents also provides online access or an app to access via your mobile device. Both OFW and Talking have different features and benefits that I encourage you to check out to see what would be best for your specific family situation. While these programs won’t solve all your custody issues, either will help immensely with the communication between you and your ex. Come see the attorneys at Sommer & O’Donnell to help resolve the rest of your custody dispute!